Waihee ridge trail is in the Western part of Maui and comes before Kahekili Hwy, when driving from Kahului airport.
Features: Dramatic ridge-line hike offers magnificent views of the green forest and on the other side you will have glimpses of the ocean. Don’t be surprised to find yourself hiking above the flying helicopters as you gain altitude. Makamakaole falls from a distance will remind you of the falls of Kauai.
Parking: Going early is recommended as limited parking is available. If you are out of luck, then there is another parking location you will find near the bottom, which is not very far, but you will have to hike another few hundred meters to get to the trailhead.
Distance: A little over 6 km round trip.
Elevation: 1500 ft (450 m)
Makamakole Falls
Restrooms: Only a couple outhouses are available.
Difficulty Level: It can be difficult for someone who is not in shape, but slow and steady, you should be able to do it. First few 100 meters of the trail are concrete steps. It is steep and might deter you in the beginning, but continue, afterwards it gets better.